
Unit 7 Case Study on Intellectsoft UK


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  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 51 / Words 12640
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
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1.1 Overview of research

Digitalisation has changed the way whole business use to function and it has enabled companies in attaining their objectives. All the organisations are focused on ensuring that each task is completed in efficient way and profitability can be maximised. These days' organisations need to adapt and integrate changes that are taking place within a market place. it is very essential for them to make sure that they are prepared to face off contingencies (Oldham and Da Silva, 2015). If companies do not take on changes in a desired way, then they will suffer huge losses. There are have been many changes in market which has made operations of business organisation very difficult.

Intellect soft is software development company in United Kingdom is consider in this research. Company develop mobile app and custom software as per the requirements o its clients. 200 employees work in company. mission of company is to help global firms to deal with new technology like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, internet of things and many more.  

This research work is based on Intellect Soft which is a telecom solution provider as well as marketing agency. It assists business houses in gaining more influence over market forces and ensure that they are able to target right consumers at the right time. It is an organisation that has been impacted by digital technologies. They had to make changes in their marketing styles and ensure that they are able to prepare campaigns for their consumers in a desired manner.

1.2 Background of research

This report is stated to be based on examination of implication that are there on company performance due to digital technologies. In this study it will be evaluated as how different changes in digital technology has impacted companies' capabilities and effectiveness. Today, digitalisation has changed how business units used to function. This is why each and every organisation is investing huge sum of money in it (Purcell, Buchanan and Friedrich, 2013). Intellect Soft is one of those which has made extensive changes in its functions and capabilities due to frequent improvement in digital technologies. They understand that it is very vital for them to keep up with new technology as to ensure that they are able to attain higher market share. Intellect Soft is a UK based organisation that is trying to expand itself in a global arena. For this they need to integrate digital technologies in their core process as to attain better market capabilities. Intellectsoft is a technology company, it offers software facilities and allows an individual or business to receive payment with the help of internet sources. The company mainly deals in technical, fraud prevention and banking infrastructure which is required to operate on-line payment system. As  a technological company, Intellect Lid is widely concern on applying advance and innovative technologies in order to developing the operations of the firm at global level. Digital technologies like internet sources, mobile application, web pages, social media sites etc. are used by organisation as to enhancing its market reach and company can easily make advancement in their services. The advancement in technologies is effective for Intellectsoft UK. to attain higher profitability by satisfying the needs and wants of customers through offering online facilities. Intellectis a privatly owned company which is founded in the year of 2011 by Patrick Collison and John Collison. The company is mainly offering the services in Payments, subscription, connect, sigma, relay, atlas, radar, issuing etc. the headquarter of Intellectsoft UK is in San Francisco, Clifornia.

1.3 Research Aims and Objectives


“To examine the implications of digital technologies on performance of small medium enterprises. A case study on Intellectsoft UK”


  • To analyse the usefulness of digital technologies in present scenario.
  • To identify methods that can be adopted by company for boosting performance of company.
  • To measure the impact of integration of digital technologies on effectiveness of Intellectsoft UK.
  • To find out ways that can be used by Intellectsoft UK for enhancing their performance and gain competitive edge in market by using digital technology.

1.4 Research Questions

  • How the effectiveness of digital technologies can be measured in given scenario?
  • Which components can be used by organisation to boost its own performance in dynamic market?
  • In what ways changes in digital technologies have impacted effectiveness of Intellectsoft UK?
  • What methods need to be adopted for boosting performance of Intellectsoft UK to attain competitive advantage within given market environment?

1.5 Research Significance

The research project is based upon implications of digital technologies on organisation

performance and productivity. It means there is a brief analysis of how digital tools and techniques affect production process of business units. Intellectsoft UK., is a software development company which focus more on latest technology. Along with this, the firm provides facility of fraud prevention which is required to operate online payment systems.   Thus, adoption of new technologies assists the company to accomplish high competitive edge and also ensure that all tasks are done a set time period. Although, digital technologies will allow organisation in attaining better productivity and market growth. It will also improve quality of output and increase profitability.

1.6 Rationale of research

This research is done to examine the benefits of implementing digital technology at workplace. It makes the organisations aware about the benefits of use digital tools and techniques for perform business activities. Overall this research is done to explore why it is essential for today's enterprises to implement digital technology at workplace and workplace and the benefits it provide to enterprise.


This is a part of research work that is concerned with analysis of various aspects and factors. It allows investigator in setting a path that he can follow in completing this study with better results. It also clears any doubts that are there in his mind regarding various concepts (O'Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson, 2011). This part of study will state about different topics in brief manner and different viewpoints will be stated.

Different books, journals and articles related with the main topic of research is used in this research in order to complete the literature review. Books and journals help in collect the views about different authors and writers on the same topic which help in draw valid conclusions.

Matrix management system: It is the one in which multiple control structure and multiple command exist and employees have dual bosses and dual roles and responsibilities. Intellectsoft has matrix organisation structure because of their types of business operations. For day to day operations, they report to one boss and they also report to another boss, departmental head for their functional responsibilities.

Advantages of matrix management: This type of organisation management ensure effective of available business resources. Further, it helps in retain skilled employees for long time period. Fast flow of information is another benefit of this type of organisation structure.

Disadvantage of matrix management: Matrix organisation management increase organisational complexity. This require high degree of cooperation between project and functional management.

2.1 The usefulness of digital technologies in present scenario

Digital technology is very important and need to be used by each and every organisation for complimenting human skills and abilities. According to Wood and et. al. (2012), digitalisation and introduction of new equipment's has changed the way companies use to function and operate within market environment. It assists organisation in binding all functions together and accomplish task in a required manner. there are different ways in which digital technology has affected the manner in which companies use to function. It has enhanced knowledge of people and made them to be more creative and informed regarding changes that will be implemented within organisation. it will also aid in reducing expenses that are costing company extra bucks. Digital technology assists in boosting performance as it compliments human skills and capabilities. It also allows them in consuming resources in an efficient manner. the managers are able to guide organisation human resource in a better way. This helps company in attaining its goals and objectives in a right manner.

Along with this, digital technology in business is a growing necessity. As the year passes, corporate world is a leaning more and more toward it, making it almost impossible to separate the two from each other. Innovation breeds business. Since technology paves the way for it, it can be gathered here that business needs technology to be sustained. Although, digital technology provides a new and better approach to business organisations as how to go with the flow in markets. It provides a faster, convenient as well as more efficient way of performing business transactions as it can accomplish its goals and objectives. Furthermore, digital technology in small business supports to wider reach into global market.

Digital technology has transformed every aspect of business. One of the main advantage of digital technology is that it makes it easy and cost effective for companies to communicate with its target customers. It provides opportunity to respond quickly to requirements of customers. further company can store huge amount of information in safe manner which help in take better decision. Effective use of digital tools improves effectiveness of marketing strategy of enterprise which help in attract large number of customers. 

2.2 Identify methods that can be adopted by company for boosting performance of company

From the viewpoint of Thomas (2011), There are different methods that can be used by organisation in boosting its own performance. Various issues hinder company capabilities to attain its goals and objectives. There is a requirement of adopting right methods so that effective results can be obtained. Constant analysis is required from managers as to implement best technique to integrate digital technology within organisation. There are different ways which can be used by organisation for boosting its own performance. They are mentioned below:

  • Introduction of technology: There is requirement of integrating technology with time as to keep organisation updated. It is essential as to ensure that each task is completed in a set duration. Efficiency can be maintained when people as well as machines are updated.
  • Changes in traditional system: According to Drivers, (2015) organisation need to keep its system flexible instead of keeping its rigid. This will allow it in attaining better market capabilities and effectiveness.
  • Training of individuals: They need to train people, as mentioned above if employees are updated regarding changes then organisation will be able to grow in its size and scope.
  • Integration of new methods in business process: There is need of integrating every single change in business model as to improve effectiveness of organisation within market place.
  • Clearly communicate can be challenging but essential, thus managers need to open the floor for underperforming employees as they can articulate which obstacles are occurring in their way; so that employer can reduce these circumstances. There is a open or free communication between employee and managers as they can discuss everything from progress, expectations, deadlines and resources.
  • Small business enterprises also have to create a positive working environment. It allows employees to voice their views and reinforce their ideas are listened. Such working environment also supports to get promote good relationships between managers and employees.

Implementation of digital technology at workplace provide different communication channels to company which help in create good relations with them that help in sustain them for long time period. Digital tools and techniques make it easy for company to collect and store huge amount of information related with important aspects of business. This help in take better decision which improve profits of company. Overall digital techniques and tools improve performance of company which results in attainment of set business objectives.

2.3 The impact of integration of digital technologies on effectiveness of Intellectsoft UK

According to Wartella and et. al. (2013), there are different ways in which digital technology has impacted Intellectsoft UK. It is a telecommunication company that offers its services in diverse fields. There have been many researches which stated that technology and digitalisation has assisted organisations like Intellectsoft UK, in gaining more market share and capabilities. At present, these firms are able to reach huge population size easily (Oldham and Da Silva, 2015). The cited company will be able to gaining competitive edge over market competitors as it will have more influence over target market. The impact of digital technology on Intellectsoft UK was significant it has allowed the company in attaining its objectives in an effective way. It is mentioned in points below:

  • Enhanced business efficiency
  • Better quality of consumer delivery
  • Minimisation of time consumed
  • Response time has improved which boosted customer delivery (Lai, 2011).

Along with this, small business owners are used digital technology which reduces operation costs. As various software enables a firm to automate back office functions, such as record keeping, accounting and payroll. It results firms does not need to hire  many employees for such activities. These business techniques are user-friendly and allows entrepreneurs only to minor backgrounds in information technology to make the most of their tools and features.       On the other hand, digital technology also improves production level and reducing wastages. Various computer programs or software helps employees to get more and more information through these methods.

Concept of digital technology has transformed every aspect of modern business life. Today, it become necessary for every business enterprise to use digital tools as this help in track target customers and communicate with them. When company quickly respond to needs and requirements of its customers then it support in retain them for long time period which ensure sustainability of organisation in market. With implementation of digital technology at workplace company can collect and store huge amount of data for long time.

2.4 Ways that can be used by Intellectsoft UK for enhancing their performance and gain competitive edge in market by using digital technology

Technology has revolutionized the way companies conduct business by enabling small businesses to level the playing field with larger organizations. The main goal of running a business is to earn profit and for that various issues need to be handled. The managers within organisation need to understand that it is vital for company to integrate digital technology as to gain competitive edge. In this manner, business entities are required to improve their client base by making proper communication with them. For getting higher competitive edge, firm can conduct  a market study and recognise needs and wants of customers; and then trying to producing the same. It supports to raise higher customer satisfaction as well as increases sales revenues. Small business units can prepare an effective market plan and scheduling all business activities in appropriate manner. Business owners can array of tech, everything from servers to mobile devices in order to develop competitive advantages in the economic marketplace. Although, they can also implement technology in their planning process for streamlined integration and to make criteria for future expansion. This allows owners to create operations using the most effective technology available. According to Padgett, (2016) there are different ways will assist Intellectsoft UK in attaining better market capabilities. 

  • More focus on customer delivery
  • Better utilisation of resources
  • Set plan with contingency
  • Grievance handling

With help of digital tools company can provide its services to its customers 24/7 and in this way company can get competitive advantage and can attract large number of customers. copany require to develop a plan consists all the activities require in implementation of digital technology so it get all the benefits of it and can enhance its performance in market.


This is a section where different methods and tools which will be used to conduct research work will be stated in a brief way. It will allow researcher as well as reader in understanding as which tools are used and how effective results were gained from this research work (Terrell, 2012). Although, research methodology is a organized way in order to resolve specific problems; it consists with a brief study of how research will be carried out. Activities or procedures through which investigators go their work of  defining, explicate and predicting phenomena is known as research methodology. These techniques which are mentioned below were used to formulate theories and apply them for completing whole research work. 

3.1 Type of Investigation

It is the prime duty of a researcher to ensure that he is able to complete the study in a most justified and correct manner. There are two different ways which are used to conduct research and they are stated to be qualitative and quantitative (Qualitative vs Quantitative Research Work. 2017). In which, qualitative research is method to gaining deep understanding of given topic, organisation and cultural. It depends upon which kind of phenomenon is going to be studied , qualitative research is wider study about human groups and their viewpoints.  On the other hand, quantitative research is statistical: and concern with discovering facts about social phenomena. In this kind of research, data is assessed through numerical comparisons and statistical inferences. The present assignment is based upon qualitative research because in this, results are validated externally by how well they might be applicable to other situations. This is tough to do; rich, detailed descriptions can help to bolster external validity.

Qualitative Research: This considered as an effective scientific tool of research which is appropriate for developing a theoretical framework by gathering non numerical data and information. It is a process of naturalistic investigation which seeks in-depth evaluation of social phenomenon with their natural setting.  It is based on the data which are gathered by the researcher on the basis of qualitative means of data.

Quantitative Research: Qualitative research is considered as a systematic empirical research of observable element through statistical, computational and mathematical techniques. It is based on the quantity of data as it is effective for providing detailed analysis by the appropriate facts an figures.

Mixed Method: In this method data has been gathered by qualitative as well as quantitative means. Thus in this theoretical and statistical information is provided in order to giving a proper discussion on a research issue. This method is effective for research dissertation in which appropriate figures are required for completion if the work in appropriate manner.

A research is based on qualitative, quantitative or a  combination of both methods. The present research is depend on qualitative nature as in this data has been gathered on the basis of qualitative means. The research is based on the implementation of digital technologies in developing the operations of Intellectsoft UK, moreover qualitative research us effective for providing an appropriate theoretical frame work by evaluating data and information from various primary as well as secondary sources. This study provides an appropriate description to the Intellectsoft UK to apply digital technologies in their business operation and activities. 

3.2 Research Design

A research design is a broad plan which entails objectives of research project and renders suitable guidelines what will be done to accomplish such objectives. In other words, a research design is a master plan that is prepared to executing a research project. This assist researcher in developing a blueprint that will outline as how things will be done. Research design is categorised in descriptive, exploratory and experimental. In which exploratory research comprises with identifying the ideas to generate possible explanations; as it assists in exploring the actual research problem. On the other hand, descriptive research design is concern with describing the issues and its relevant solution. Basically, its a more purposive and specific study and based on more than one hypothesis. The present research assignment is based upon descriptive research design as it is directed to answer research problem basically.

3.3 Research Philosophy

Research philosophy deals with sources, nature and development of knowledge; its a belief towards the ways in which data about a phenomenon should be collected, analysed and used. The two most used methods are Interpretivism and positivism. In which, interpretivisim research philosophy is used for small and in-depth investigation that is based upon qualitative data. It emphasised upon assessing the gaps between the past and present research work. Whereas positivism research philosophy works on on quantifiable observations and accordingly statistical analysis is obtained. Thus, for current study, Interpretivism is chosen as a way to deal with qualitative data in a more effective way (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). It is the best way to deal with intangible aspects and describe things from different perception. Positivism  philosophy is refers as a scientific quantitative method which is based on natural phenomena and their properties or relations. Thus in this data is derived from sensory experience, interpreted by reason and logic, forms the exclusive source of all certain knowledge.  This tool is mainly applied for quantitative research as it helps in providing a proper analysis of phenomena with appropriate facts and figures. Positive philosophy is significantly useful for deductive approach as it is appropriate for conducting quantitative analysis with the help of proper facts and findings. On the other side Interpritivism philosophy is majorly appropriate for inductive research approach as it is effective in providing a descriptive analysis through analysing the opinion and perception of people.  The research into consideration is based on the analysis of influence of digital technologies on the business performance of small and medium size business organisations, thus in this interpritivisim philosophy is most suitable as it is effective in providing appropriate and relevant information with the proper justification of the opinion of various authors and writers. In this present research work Interpritivisim Philosophy has been used by the researcher as it is most suitable tool for qualitative analysis. Moreover, interpretivism studies usually focus on meaning and may employ multiple methods in order to reflect different aspects of the issue. With the help of interpritivisim philosophy Intellectsoft UK is able to analyse the various measures of digital technologies that are effective for the growth of firm. A detailed evaluation helps the Intellectsoft UK in  providing suitable information in regards to the implementation of digital technologies.

3.4 Research Approach

Basically, a research approach is a plan or procedure for doing research which span the stages from broad assumptions to detailed methods of data collection, analysis and interpretation. There is different way a research work can be completed and this part states about an approach which will be used by researcher for carrying out work in an effective manner. There are two types of researcher inductive and deductive. In which inductive will be used as it will allow investigator in getting work done in a dynamic manner. it utilises theories to complete task and gather information. Beside this, deductive research approach is suitable for large sample project because this type of sample are analysed with less depth. The present research is based upon inductive research as it puts special focus on facts and figures that were collected by investigator. In  inductive methodology, grounded theory has been consider for completion of this theory. It is a systematic research process that is based upon a set of rigorous research procedures leading to the emergence of conceptual categories. In grounded theory, study starts with a questions or just a collection of qualitative data. Deductive research approach is majorly concerned with developing a hypothesis which is based on an existing theory and than designing an appropriate strategy to test the hypothesis. This approach is mainly focused on aimed and testing the theory. This tool is applied for qualitative analysis as it provides proper discussion by testing the hypothesis in effective manner. In the present research work inductive research approach has been applied by the researcher as it is based on research research questions which narrow the scope of the specified area of study. Inductive approach is mainly effective for providing proper analysis on qualitative research through conducting a brief analysis on research issue.

3.5 Data Sampling

Data sampling is a method that is acquired in order to gather the sample which has large implications on conclusions that are made on the basis of this sample. In simple terms, this is a section that puts focus on selecting right individuals as a respondent for research work. the people are chosen on the basis of two techniques which are probability and non-probability.  In which, probability sampling is a sampling technique, in which the subjects of the population get an equal opportunity to be selected as a representative sample. Whereas non-probability sampling is a method of sampling wherein, it is not known that which individual from the population will be selected as a sample. The present research is based upon non probability sampling; in this technique samples  are collected  in a process which does not allows equal chance all individuals to get selected. In this researcher tries to choose  samples haphazardly, trying to simulate randomness. Data sampling is considered as an essential tool of research methodology which replicates from the original population. In the present research work random sampling method has been used by the researcher as to gathering appropriate information from the population. In this sample size of 30 is selected by the investigators as it is a most appropriate and reliable ratio of people for analysing the perception and provide proper outcome for the research issue. A research population is a collection of individuals who have similar characteristics and potential knowledge about the implementation of digital technologies within the work place; in this research the chosen population is regular customers, clients and other business organisation.

3.6 Data Collection:

This considered as the most essential part of research work. In a research data collection is the primary aspect as the proper implementation of research activities are based on the information that are accumulated by the researcher from different sources. In a research data has been gathered through primary as well as secondary source of data collection. Primary source is effective in gathering information for the very first time, thus it is an appropriate tool which effective in gathering data and information through conducting survey, in which a questionnaire is filled by the respondents who are selected for the appropriate area of study. On the other side secondary source is effective in conducting the section of literature review through gathering data and information from books, journals, past research work, online sites etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages 




Primary Sources

Primary method is effective for reach at specific goal and purpose in order to cutting out the possibility of wasting resources. As a small service provider Intellectsoft UK is concern on determining the use of digitalisation within the work place and primary tool is reliable for providing fact-full information by analysing the perception of people. 

Primary research Needs a large enough sample size to make the sample credible and be able to generalise, quite costly and time consuming then the secondary source of data collection. As a small size business company Intellectsoft UK is not able to gather data from large population as in this cost incurred is high.


Secondary Source

The major advantage of secondary source is that it is a ready made observation and it takes less time to gather information. Intellectsoft UK is using secondary source in order to gathering appropriate information by analysing the opinion and perspective of various authors and writers.

Some time information may be unsuitable for the study as a proper justification on a issue is not provided. Thus it is not customized in nature so data requires intensive study to judge validity of data.


Validity and reliability

It is essential for investigator to produce the valid and reliable results by implementation of research activities in appropriate manner. Henceforth, validity and reliability are considered to be two important aspects for the research work. In order to satisfy criterion of validity, the researcher needs to extract information from authentic sources. The research is said to be valid in  nature when reliable and valid outcomes are drawn. On other hand, research is said to be reliable in nature when similar outcomes are derived under different situations.  In present case, the researcher has ensured that the information is extracted from authentic sources. Moreover, the suitable methods are adopted for the purpose of conducting research work. Henceforth, it can be claimed that the researcher has ensured that the research work satisfies criteria of validity and reliability. It can be therefore said that the study proposed herewith proves to be valid and reliable in nature.

3.7 Data analysis

Data analysis is a process of cleaning, inspecting, transforming and modelling data with the specific objective of identifying useful information. It supports to arrive conclusions and helps in decision making process of researcher. It is a part where data which was collected is analysed and evaluated. All the information is processed and a friendlier approach is used. It is important to ensure that data is gathered in a right way and it is analysed properly for effective results. Following are the There are different methods of data analysis, such as- survey, questionnaire, interview, focus group, observation. In which questionnaire is used for the entire study as it is based upon qualitative research.  This is also an essential component of research methodology as it helps in analysing the data and information in effective manner in order to reaching at potential and reliable outcome. In this present research work data has been analysed through thematic analysis as in this themes are prepared on the basis of the questions of the questionnaire. The main data analysis tools are - central tendency methods, mean, mode, median, standard deviation etc.

The data analysis can be done by way of the following measures:

  • Mean: This is the average value of the set of observation. Now, this can be rightly said that the mean reflects the average value of the total number of the respondents. Here the mean of each question is determined and reflects the average value.
  • Median: It is the middle value of the set of observation which reflect the mid value. Here, the questions were given to various respondents and make the analysis accordingly.
  • Mode: It is the most repetitive number which helps the researcher to make the interpretation accordingly. Now, this can be simply said that the researcher would make the research accordingly in an effective manner.

Q1) Is Digital technology important for organisation?







Q2) What digital changes have impacted organisation in most effective way ?


Online interaction


Rise in number of users of internet


Social media



Q3) What makes digital technology important for business organisation?


Information sharing


Easy communication


Advancement in technologies



Q4) What is your perception regarding services and products sold by Intellect soft?


They are good


Not so good



Q5) In what ways digital technology has assisted organisation?


Gaining growth


Attaining competitive edge


Enhancing productivity


Improving brand awareness



Q6) What are the ways which can be used by business for expanding its capabilities in digital technology?


Merger with small tech firms


Retaining old and recruiting new people


Contracting with tech firm



Q7) What are the quality rating that can be given to the products of Intellectsoft UK?











Q8) How did cloud and other digital technology has helped business in past few years?


In expanding its effectiveness


In gaining more market share


Boosting Interaction with market



3.7 Ethical Consideration

There are certain issues which needs to be addressed by investigator himself. He has to ensure that he maintain privacy of people whose confidential data he has collected. Also, he need to make sure that he does not waste any type of resources and time on useless work. he has to put emphasis on ways he is achieving his goals, the methods which are used should not violate any societal values and other aspects. All the ethical code and conduct needs to be followed by individual for making sure that no one is impacted by his research work in a wrong manner.



Q1) Is Digital technology iportant for organisation?


·       Yes


·       No


Q2) What digital changes have impacted organisation in most effective way ?


·       Online interaction


·       Rise in number of users of internet


·       Social media


Q3) What makes digital technology important for business organisation?


·       Information sharing


·       Easy communication


·       Advancement in technologies


Q4) What is your perception regarding services and products sold by Intellect soft?


·       They are good


·       Not so good


Q5) In what ways digital technology has assisted organisation?


·       Gaining growth


·       Attaining competitive edge


·       Enhancing productivity


·       Improving brand awareness


Q6) What are the ways which can be used by business for expanding its capabilities in digital technology?


·       Merger with small tech firms


·       Retaining old and recruiting new people


·       Contracting with tech firm


Q7) What are the quality rating that can be given to the products of Intellectsoft UK?


·       Excellent


·       Good


·       Average


·       Poor


Q8) How did cloud and other digital technology has helped business in past few years?


·       In expanding its effectiveness


·       In gaining more market share


·       Boosting Interaction with market


Q9) Provide recommendation on enhancing company performance via emerging digital technologies.




Data analysis is one of the fundamental part that need to outline by research investigator in order to develop their hypothesis and carry out appropriate outcome in context of this. Numerous methodologies and research techniques are being utilised to create authentic and proper data analysis of research report which depicts the evaluation part of entire study. On the grounds of data analysis, the recommendations and conclusions are framed by investigator neglecting or proving their developed hypothesis or research question in certain direction. In the following study, response of 30 respondents are analysed or interpreted according which the outcome will be determined in the final chapter of the research report. Here is presented the data analysis part assessed under this report:

Stakeholders of Intellect Soft: An individual who has a concern in business activities is come under the category of stakeholder. Intellect Soft UK is a software development company. Applications engineer, database administrator, programmer, system administrator, system analyst and many more all come under the category of stakeholders.


Theme 1: Digital technology is essential for organisation

Q1) Is Digital technology important for organisation?


·       Yes


·       No



Theme 2: Changes of digital technologies influence in numerous manner

Q2) What digital changes have impacted organisation in most effective way ?


·       Online interaction


·       Rise in number of users of internet


·       Social media



Theme 3: Digital technologies assist in numerous operations

Q3) What makes digital technology important for business organisation?


·       Information sharing


·       Easy communication


·       Advancement in technologies


Theme 4: Digital technologies direct toward better services

Q4) What is your perception regarding services and products sold by Intellect soft?


·       They are good


·       Not so good



Theme 5: Digital technologies assist in gaining growth and competitive edge

Q5) In what ways digital technology has assisted organisation?


·       Gaining growth


·       Attaining competitive edge


·       Enhancing productivity


·       Improving brand awareness


Theme 6
: Digitalisation assist in expanding capabilities of business

Q6) What are the ways which can be used by business for expanding its capabilities in digital technology?


·       Merger with small tech firms


·       Retaining old and recruiting new people

·       Contracting with tech firm


Theme 7: Digital technologies deliver more excellent services and products

Q7) What are the quality rating that can be given to the products of Intellectsoft UK?


·       Excellent


·       Good

·       Average

·       Poor


Theme 8
: Digitalisation assist business in growth and delivering several advantages

Q8) How did cloud and other digital technology has helped business in past few years?


In expanding its effectiveness


In gaining more market share


Boosting Interaction with market




Theme 1 - Interpretation: As per the illustrated graph, notion proclaim the importance and necessity of digital technology is vital as this can deliver small as well as large organisation numerous benefits and competitive edge. Numerous practices are organised through the assistance of digital technologies Intellectsoft UK. Technology has significant influence on the operations of business. The size of business enterprise along with its technology can refer both intangible and tangible advantages which can assist in creating more monetary  outcomes according demands of customer. The infrastructure of technologies influence the efficiency, relationship and culture of business organisation. As, it not only lead to several advantages of business, but also can drive innovation and invention to the path of success of enterprise in several ways.

According to the organisation case, Intellect Soft Ltd. need proper practices of digital technologies as this support several distinct positive influences in the organisation. The company  is based on online services which refer to the major utilisation of digital technologies and modified technological business technique use within the company. Intellect soft can emphasise their revenues amount and increase the use of their services and provide facilities through opting more advanced digital technologies as the company is based over this concept. Hence, the respondents of organisation elected their views in context of significance of digitalisation in positive way as per 22 respondents. On the other side, there were approximate 8 testee not agreeing with this statements counting its disadvantage on their priority. Hence, in summarised way, this can be claimed that digital technology is paramount in recent era for small business or online business markets in more significant manner. It depends on the technologies utilised by the company which shapes positive and negative influence over the company in more significant manner.

 Theme 2 - Interpretation: Digital technologies has multiple use within a business organisation which vary according to the type of company size, purpose and operation functioning. This can be claimed from the above mentioned notion that a company optimise numerous technologies within their company that can assist one in achieving their business objectives. Digital technologies drive society and numerous technologies into certain direction. This can influence their countries which can deliver different impact on the working organisation impacting incredibly on society as well as company in different significant manner. The habits of interaction, culture, purchase, work and communication changes in the community after the disruption of digital technologies within their working system.

This impact over the communication framework online through providing digital interactions that can market the message along with acting as the wheel of organisation and itself. Small business companies can manage online interaction which is cheap, quick, effective and affordable for the organisation helping in the attainment of business objectives in more better manner. Small business enterprises can experience rise in the number of service user and consumer of the company through using social media or online activities as their marketing tool. Hence, through the assistance of this, social media can opt several activities using it as platform of digital media to connect people and trade over.

Intellect soft is a online payment servicing company which deliver different advantages through the assistance of online media and digital technology utilisation within the working organisation. As per the illustrated data and presented graph, this can be affirm from the above notion that several different benefits can be gained through the help of digitalisation within Intellect soft. 10 out of 30 respondents claimed that online interaction and effective communication can be managed within the firm through implementing such technologies. 15 testees stated that drastic rise can be met through using digital technologies and online media within their communication system that can aid Intellect soft in achieving business objectives. Whereas on the other side, 5 people responded that digital technologies has impacted operating and functioning methods of social media of organisation in more significant manner. Henceforth, this can be claimed that various activities and positive influences can be gained by the company through the help of digital disruption within the working enterprise.

Theme 3 - Interpretation: Digitalisation can direct and assist a working entity of business in numerous ways leading and framing different outcomes of organisation as per the used technologies used by management. As per the above asked questions and interpretation, the notion affirms that digital technologies has its significance within the working business agency that has shapes numerous benefits and outcome of company. This is essential to understand the roots which belong to the digital technologies that assist productivity and profitability of enterprise emphasising over the determined outcome in more different manner. Implementation of digitalisations can cater ease in use online services, convenience, process simplification, personalisation, and high level of ease or comfort that can lead numerous influence. While having a proper e-commerce site, this is essential for e-commerce business to utilise different effective procedure and activities according to the organisation requirements that can lead to different outcomes and effective practices.

Digital technologies can direct one toward proper practices and activities in more significant manner. In case of Intellect soft, digital technologies provide the core services and products of organisation that can direct numerous benefits through the assistance of modification and advancement of digital technologies in their business. Whether the company can utilise digital transformation for major information sharing purpose that can direct enterprise in significant services. Communication and interaction can can be shapes through leading better work and operation by the assistance of technologies. Various other objectives and targets can be met by employing technologies as major functioning framework within the working organisation helping small companies in developing in competitive marketplace.

Henceforth, Intellect soft is facilitated numerous benefits to the different operations of business by employing technologies in the activities. As per the views of respondents, above 10 out of 30 respondents stated the importance of digital technologies in context of information sharing as this is helpful in marketing, interaction management, establishment two-way communication etc. Whereas, 8 responders claimed that digitalisation render comfort and ease in managing and maintaining communication within and in external environment of business organisation so as Intellect soft. Approximate 12 testee claimed that technologies are assisting and fundamental for managing advancement in the technologies and existing payment framework of Intellect soft. that can improve their current situation accordingly.

Theme 4 - Interpretation: The landscape of e-commerce are continuously evolving and changing with the business world. In the present era, this is one of drastic and biggest change in present years which has revolutionised the way of doing a business organisation. Strategic use of business and powerful review of social proofs enable the persuasion ability within to make individual purchase its services and products. In order to maintain standard and deliver more satisfaction, use of digital technologies is made within an commercial enterprise that can help in achieving business target and consumer level of satisfaction within the company. Hence, to satiate the clients, it is the quick and fastest way that can aid the organisation to reach success within competitive industry. Digital technologies are not only beneficial for the firm but also for consumer within enterprise.

Intellect Soft Ltd provide wide varieties of services to their clients or consumer to satiate their demands and fulfil their basic requirements associated with communication management. The company deliver creative generation of contents to digital design, copywriting, communication, digital and brand strategy of interaction, social media consultancy, online solution, tools and technologies and advertising of online media which can aid in attaining business objectives in more significant manner. According to the mentioned graph, 25 out of 30 respondents agreed with better and more reliving services and products as per the demands and services of organisation. On the other side, 5 respondents are not agree with this framework stating that Intellectsoft UK is delivering aggregate services and products within the firm. Henceforth, the above discussed interpretation and data accumulated from the respondents proclaim that digitalisation emphasise the services and products quality that is delivered by company relatively. But, through proper utilisation of offline resource, company can obliged their resources and practices in more significant manner.          

Theme 5 - Interpretation:  Approximate each and every business is becoming more digital in the present scenario. As the outcome, the technologies has transformed the manner and way of functioning business operation in the commercial sector associated activities with unlimited resources and incredible wants. Each entity aspire to manufacture services and food for maximisation of benefits. Hence, the consumer and clients of business world are becoming digital as well rendering more quicker and efficient methods of enjoying services and purchasing products and service. Hence, the technologies has not only influenced the consumer and organisation but also shaped the views and trends of society. It is required for business organisation which are resorting the method of convention of sales, marketing, advertisement, service and products etc. embracing the clients and consumer of organisation.

Intelligent procedure make this more possible to undertake the fluctuations of benefits in the cost of spikes and raw material in the certain service and products demand. This can break the traditional work or approaches used in the commercial activities. Numerous influences or impact can be traced after implementation of digital technologies in workforces and quality of services. Intellect Soft Ltd need has been facilitated wide range of market reach that enable succession of consumer reach and achievement of practices in more significant manner. According to the accumulated data and interpreted responses this can be claimed that the company has refrained and optimised several benefits and practices within the company. 8 out of 30 respondents claimed that through it, Intellectsoft UK assisted more growth and innovation in services and consumers. 8 proclaimed that different competitive advantages can be delivered to the Intellect soft relatively. On the other side, 10 respondents stated that productivity enhancement can be attained by employing digitalisation within the organisation. 4 respondents stated that brand awareness and better recognition of organisation can be met through the assistance of digital technologies within the organisation.

Theme 6 - Interpretation: Digital capabilities can be termed as prerequisite in the present era to compete in longer period. Yet, various organisation are in pursuit to transform digital are not coherent in regard of setting IT companies as well as talent and tools to maintain digital information as well as manage automate procedures and online services in best ways. The distinctive specialisation need to evolve successful channels and digital offering that might consist service manager who are more literate in terms of trimming-edge technologies which can be utilised to reconfigure customer decision journey, business experienced and analysis of data. Advancement in this sector are reshaping in the world of sales and marketing availing not only certain but entire divisions and operations of organisation by social network which has seemingly generated personalised services, communication, products etc.

Intellect Soft Limited manage branding, communication, research, media planning and management of public recognition which is highly facilitated by the digital transformation utilised within the working organisation. The company, in order to expand the business practices can optimised numerous ways within the competitive marketplace. As per the illustrated data in graph, 12 out of 30 respondents proclaimed that merging with small companies are more effective expansion strategy which can lead to succession of business organisation in significant manner. Through existing and new recruitment of worker can lead to sustainability of organisation within the competitive marketplace. Manage contracts with technologies and tech enterprises, the organisation can attain their business objectives along with expand their business objectives in more significant manner.         

Theme 7 - Interpretation: Corporate consumers and executives have in present years adopted numerous product quality views. The numerous scholar's studies and researcher products have reviewed and concluded that the quality of produced services and manufactured products are more authentic, valid and effective in comparison of aggregate and genuine products. Customer-goods enterprises have been on the digital innovation in-front in the commercial areas as sales and marketing. Operations and supply chain which have been focused less in regard of their digital efforts, but at presents, consumer-good enterprises are leading and have started to seek more utilisation of digital solution in the production procedures. Digital technologies are delivered more benefits and advantages within the working as the enterprise availed more convenient and easy technologies and machinery. The entire procedure employ more efficient methods of functioning businesses as this can deliver which lead to quality services and products to the company in more efficient and effective manner. This provide effective productivity and more efficiency in the functions and operations of products creating high-value added services in affordable cost. Such activities enable satisfaction level among clients or consumer that emphasise overall review of working organisation in significantly.

According to the present organisation, Intellect Soft Limited deliver more communication and marketing associated services providing branding, strategic management and business management of clients. Digital technologies has wide reach and global access at the affordable cost which makes the operations of organisation effective and more influencing in terms of persuasion of consumer or target audience. Hence, as per the above illustrated data in the graph, this can be claimed that approximate 22 out of 30 respondents are entirely satisfied with the activities and practices of organisation. On the other hand, more than 5 respondents were felt provided services more satisfactory of Intellectsoft UK in comparison to other organisation due to quickness and influencing services Whereas 1 testee had fine experiences with the provided services and products of organisation. There are approximate 2 testee which were not satiate with the provided practices of organisation and found no relation of service satisfaction in context of digitalisation in Intellect soft.       

Theme 8 - Interpretation: As per the above mentioned data and reports that can be numerous findings can be gained or concluded within the working organisation. Digital technologies in present years led the most organisation depend on the living aspects of technologies as this has become basic routine of an individual. Number of advancement and expertise technologies are delivered and supported in the sector that has created different impact on the organisation in distinct manner. There are commercial business entities which has availed assistance by adoption of digitalisation in their system and framework as this can deliver more effective and efficient growth and innovation to the company. Driving business transformation, basically was revolutionised by adopting three core practices or technologies i.e. cloud computing, mobility and Big data saving activities which not only assisted the business companies but also have changed the way of working in the competitive world.

In the Intellect Soft Limited, numerous practices and services are provided to different clients in distinct innovative and creative way that can help the clients in satiating their work availed by high productivity and performance of organisation. Hence, as per the presented graphical data, this can be claimed that 12 out of 30 respondents state that market interaction among consumer, stakeholder and organisation has increased through digital transformation within enterprise. On the other side, 12 responders affirmed that more market share can be increased or gained through the help of digitalisation. Whereas 6 stated their views in expansion or enhancement of effectiveness of products, services and operated practices by Intellectsoft UK adopted in the organisation. Hence, this can affirm that digital technology provide growth opportunities and deliver numerous benefits to both small or large organisations.

6. Recommendation

Numerous suggestion can be carried out from the summoned report as this can assist organisation in achieving business objectives and outcome in more significant manner. If company wants to improve performance level then manager of the company needs to use new and innovative technologies within their activities. This will aid in enhancing the chances of attaining positive brand image at competitive market place. Every business organization wants to attain competitive advantage in market place. So that manager should develop effective ways to increase profitability level. In recent time, firm should focus on their quality products as they easily increase the chances of attaining profit level which may contribute on attaining competitive advantage at market place. Along with this, Intellect soft also required to communicate with their customers through online interaction, social media. By this they easily influence them to consume company products and services. Company should be make the concept of digitalisation is more convenient and easy for sharing information to larger number of people. With the help of this they easily improve their services and also satisfy customers demand by delivering quality services. It also recommended that, company needs to be implement digital technologies effectively as they easily attain higher growth and competitive advantage as well. This will directly contribute in improving brand image of the firm in front of customers. By retaining old and recruiting new people, company easily improve their chances of implementing digital technologies by which company easily grab customers attention towards the company products and services. As quality of the company products is good in which firm invite larger number of customers towards its services. As company easily improve their productivity level at market place and also capture larger market share form its rivals.

In addition of this, cloud and another digital technology also help business organization to expand their business activities and at the same time also gain market share form its rivals. Along with this advertisement is also an effective way to promote as well as aware people towards the Intellect soft products which directly contribute in capturing customer's attention. New and advances technologies are also aid in improving the operational activities through which firm easily enhance their quality products. Company should make changes on continuous basis to make their services attractive. Along with this, manager of the company should make effective plan for maintaining their activities in order to make right decision for developing future activities. It directly contributes in increasing the chances of attaining desirable goals and objectives. This will increase revenue of the company at market place as compare to its rivals. Furthermore, for communicating with larger number of customers, firm needs to use electronic media by which they easily interact with customers and also take feedback from them to improve their services which contribute in developing positive brand image at market place. With the help of this, Intellect soft easily capture larger market share form their competitors and at the same time also grab customer's attention towards the company products and services. As concept of digitalisation positively impact on business and its activities through which firm easily enhance their positive brand image at market place.

7. Self-reflection

Implementation of digital technology at workplace provide various benefits to company. This provide various tools to company to communicate with its target customers which help in attract more number of customers towards company products and services. I use mixed research method in present report as this help in carry out an in depth analysis of research topic or this support in complete a research in descriptive manner. In primary source of data collection, questionnaire is used to collect information from respondents. Completion of this project help me in identify and understand the various benefits of implementation of digital technology at workplace. With effective digital tools, company can improve its marketing and communication strategy which is very important for attract large number of customers. One of the main feature of digital platform is that it provides an opportunity to company to respond to the needs of its customers quickly which help in attain customer satisfaction. All this make the individuals loyal towards the brand and ensure sustainability of enterprise in market. I used questionnaire in this research for collect data from respondents. This help me in collect up to date data and improve validity of research findings. It is very important for company to have adequate tools and other resources require to implement digital technology at workplace. With this, company can get all benefits related with implementation of digital tools at workplace and can get competitive benefit. Further, company can interact with its target customer in appropriate manner and can retain them for long time period.

Other alternative methods available for complete the research and to collect data is survey, interview, observation and many more. In observation, researcher observe the action and decision of respondents the take in order to draw conclusion of research. In interview investigator asked face to face questions from respondents to collect data related with the main topic of research.

8. Conclusion

According to the above mentioned report it can be analysed that research work or task has been increasing the knowledge and skill of an individual regarding the impact of digital technology on business concern and their functions. This is that way which allow firm to gaining appropriate and better ability and capability for ensure that each and every task should be completed in given time frame effectively. At last, this can be seen that digital technology has been change and modify the way by which every organisation and sector use to regulate or operate in current time period. In today framework, it has became a major technique and tool which enable them for achieving desired goals and targets in more appropriate manner. Along with this, the research work major aims and objectives with overview and significance in this investigation report. Another is literature review which has been conducted as to describing each state in clear and brief manner about different factors. After that there are various tools and techniques which can be used for conducting such research that has been stated in the methodology part in better manner. In addition to this, data analysis and interpretation has been organised and conducted for make sure that every factor is correctly understand in proper way. There are such recommendation that will be given to help the firm in gaining desired outcomes and results effectively.

It can be also concluded that digitalisation bringing different positive things in an organisation. For example, this will assist in increasing the whole level related to profitability and productivity in better manner. Therefore, it is important for company is to enforce certain contemporary techniques and methods such as cloud computing, digital channel of communication, artificial intelligence and many more. Along with this, such factors should be updated application for contributing in development and growth of an organisation. The digital technology has been change which directly impact on firm factors such as online communication, social media and increasing in the number of internet users. In an enterprise, digitalisation is essential for conducting and performing all business operations for sharing accurate data and information among their employees by which they can gain proper results or outcome. Digital technology assist in improving various things and also help in solving major issues and problems which occurs within an organisation. There are various ways in which digitalisation has been assist firm that includes attaining growth and success, attaining competitive edge, increasing profitability and productivity and other help in improving brand awareness among customers. With the help of digital technology, the company can expanding their business operations and its major activities for increasing capabilities in effective way. This is essential for enhancing the business functions and activities for attracting large number of customers. They required to expand their business by using various ways such as merger with small company which has been grow in other location, retaining the old and recruiting new employees and other is contracting with technological firm for gaining high level of success and growth.


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